Be Kind – Join the 21-day Challenge

Kindness is contagious! Our mentors are kind and that they inspire their mentees to be kind to themselves and others. That’s why we’re so excited to participate in the Born This Way Foundation #BeKind21 challenge to help inspire intentional daily acts of kindness from September 1st to 21st.

Born This Way Foundation was founded by Lady Gaga and her mother Cynthia Germanotta. Based on the idea that habits are formed by repeating an activity for 21 consecutive days, #BeKind21 invites participants to build a habit of kindness. BTWF’s Executive Director Maya Smith inspired #BeKind21 from personal experience of wanting to create and spread kindness at her son’s school. Three years later, it’s a global movement!

The purpose of the #BeKind21 challenge is to encourage small, daily acts of kindness to oneself and others. Participating organizations are encouraged to create a calendar that inspires daily acts of kindness. We were thrilled to join and come up with 21 practical acts of kindness.

Some of them include:

  • Start the day with two nice thoughts about yourself and focus on them all day
  • Focus on what you like about the people you live with – be brave and tell them
  • Send a joke, meme or something kindly humorous to make someone smile
  • Do a special chore / task without being asked
  • Call an elderly relative or friend
  • Thank a first responder, teacher or other essential workers

You can download our complete calendar to inspire your acts. We hope you join the challenge and share your experiences by tagging us and using the hashtag #BeKind21. 

Throughout the month, we will post updates, more inspiration and share your tagged posts on Facebook and Instagram. We’re looking forward to this challenge as a way to bring people together, and as a fun activity for mentors and mentees to do together! Most of all, we hope this challenge spreads kindness during what has been an extremely difficult year for us all. 

We can’t wait to see the many acts of kindness and hope you join us in building a habit of spreading kindness. Along the way, we encourage you to ask yourself:

  • How does this random act of kindness make me feel?
  • How does doing something kind for others affect my mood?
  • Do I want to keep going at the end of the challenge?

Remember, we’re in this together. Spread kindness!

  • Indeed kindness is contagious, I always believe the advocacy of the Born This Way Foundation. Thank you for encouraging us to be kind, you guys motivate me and helped me, continue to empower people. Thank you so much! ❤️

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