Virtual Gaming Trivia meetUP

Virtual Gaming Trivia meetUP

On Friday, October 9, we hosted a Video Game Trivia Night on Zoom for all our gamers. Our Board President Enrique and Vice President Monica helped co-facilitate the game. Mentors and youth were assigned to teams, and each team created their own name. 

Keyboard, gaming headset, mouse, and controller under the glow of neon light. Team Ca-Loni-Ka jumped out to an early lead with 15 points in Round 1. Overall they scored 24 of a possible 28 points in two rounds! This winning team had some serious gamers and was on fire throughout the challenge. Team I Don’t Know ended up joining forces with Team T2 and still came up a bit short in the challenge. They get an A for effort and continuing to play even when they didn’t know the answers to the questions. Overall the event was a lot of fun and a great way to unwind after a long week. Youth on the winning team won $10 Google Play gift cards, and other youth participants received a $5 gift card each – all mailed to them. 

Did you know –  surgeons who regularly play video games make 37% fewer errors and finish tasks 27% faster than their peers. We might have a couple of surgeons in training! 

Our virtual meet UPs are a vital part of our programming during these unique times. At a time when many social interactions have been cut short, it’s important that we continue to offer opportunities for our mentees to interact with each other, joke around and just have fun. It’s also another moment for the adults in our program to show that they are a consistent figure in their mentee’s life. 

Aging UP has three pillars to our programming; mentoring, recreation and education. To learn more about our programs and how they impact the lives of our youth, visit Our Programs page.