The Power of Healthy Goodbyes

Mentoring Match doing activities

As we welcome a new year and say goodbye to another, it’s a reminder of the importance of closure. While saying goodbye to challenges can feel great, saying goodbye — especially to someone or something positive — can be incredibly difficult.

Though we recruit adult volunteers with long-term connections in mind, our program is a one-year commitment for both mentors and mentees from their match date. From the beginning, we train on the importance of a healthy closure. Through our process, mentors offer a unique and potential final gift to their mentees: a positive, healthy and meaningful goodbye experience.

Mentee Monica* and her mentor Cheryl recently experienced this. They were matched in November 2020, and though the pandemic made it challenging, the two went from an awkward introduction through Zoom to being special people in one another’s lives.

Cheryl has an energetic personality and used it with her creativity and advice from our program team to make the most of any challenges. Grabbing take-out to dine outside of Monica’s apartment complex was something they often enjoyed together. Of course, more than eating together was happening.

Cheryl continued to show up! She was a committed, friendly person. This created trust. Monica had a habit of dropping commitments with other people, but she never canceled on Cheryl. While they enjoyed many conversations over meals, the Match experienced a lot of meaningful fun together. Cheryl also provided first-time experiences for Monica. She introduced her to spray paint art, go-kart racing, horseback riding and other new activities.

There are many reasons why a mentoring match may formally end. Even though Monica and Cheryl grew a true friendship, other circumstances revealed that this Match would close at the end of their year. Working with our program staff, Cheryl prepared Monica in advance for their final visit.

After an afternoon of arcade games and pizza (one of their first activities together), the goodbyes took place. There were hugs, laughs and tears. Both expressed a desire to stay in touch, even though they won’t have the opportunity to see each other as they have.

We are grateful for Cheryl’s investment as a mentor and thrilled to have her as part of our community. As alumni, Monica will still have access to resources and support from our program.

Becoming a mentor was a huge leap of faith that gave Cheryl a newfound belief in herself. It also gave Monica a role model and a year of adventure. We are proud of them and wish them all the best.

*Mentee’s name changed for confidentiality