We’re Hiring!

…well sort of. We are actually recruiting an AmeriCorps Member under the California Foster Youth Initiative AmeriCorps Program. This awesome individual will join AmeriCorps but work directly with our Program Director to manage our new Youth Leadership Group, present valuable life skills workshops, survey and provide assessments to youth, and support other important program functions.

If you have experience working with diverse communities and a passion to see youth from foster care succeed, this may be the perfect opportunity for you!

During this 10-month commitment, the individual will serve an average of 22 hours per week gaining hands-on, direct experience working with teens in foster care as well as various professionals in the field.

Essential duties include providing supervision and mentoring to a small group of emerging leaders, assisting with overall services that support all the youth in our program, and coordinating group events.

If this sounds like you, please see our service description and submit your resume and cover letter to Program Director Kecia at kecia@agingup.org by July 21.


Grid explaining benefits of Joining AmeriCorps